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Tuesday 14 June 2011

Insurance Policies

Insurance insurance company insurance policy and insurance policyholder, the insurance company's claim that needs to be paid legally determines it is said an agreement between (usually a standard form agreement) is. In return for payment, known as the premium, the insurance company's loss for the insured under the policy language are due to perils for plays. Insurance contract to meet specific needs and thus find many many other types of contracts is designed not features. Since insurance policies are standard forms, boilerplate language that different types of insurance policies are such assets in broad categories.

Insurance policy is usually an integrated contract, which means that all agreements between insurance and insurance company associated with the form contains: 10 In some cases, however, such as insurance policy can end After the agreement letter is sent as an integrated agreement supplementary Posts: 11 insurance a textbook has been said that "negotiations or agreements before the courts ... time delivery of each contract period to reflect policy , with the riders and support policy ... both parties, as well as those later as written. 'consent, are part of a written policy. "
Textbook is also the policy that all papers are part of this policy should refer to. Parol evidence of oral agreements are subject to government, and not part of this policy may be considered. Materials and magazine ads usually not a part of a policy. Oral pending the issuance of a written policy contracts may be.

General features:
Insurance contract under which a contract will pay the insured the insurance company (one whose benefits will be paid, by or), if some events are described. "Fortuity principle" subject to, be sure the event. To believe the incident will be when either could be as (at the time of his death, a life insurance policy the insurance, is uncertain) or as a fire insurance policy if all the ( ie does it, whether or not fire (all) will be.

    * Insurance contracts generally are considered adhesion contracts because the insurance company and insured the contract draws little or no content for it has the ability to change. This means that the insurance company bears the burden if agreement is interpreted in any case is no ambiguity. Policyholder insurance policies without a copy of the agreement are sold.

    * Insurance is the insurance contract and insurance company from exchange are unequal in quantity and aleatory uncertainties depend on future events. In contrast, normal non-commutative in the amount of insurance contract (or values) are from the parties intended to exchange usually are approximately equal. This distinction mtnahy foreign risk insurance products as the "exchange" includes provisions is particularly important in the context of.

    * Insurance contracts are unilateral, meaning that only insurance company legally enforce the agreement promises. The insured need not pay for premium, but insurance company to pay benefits required under agreement if the insured has paid premiums and some other basic conditions is met.

    * Insurance contracts of utmost good faith (fides uberrima) are governed by principles that both sides need to contact insurance is in good faith, especially given that insurance is a responsibility that all material facts tell about the threat to join to tackle. This legal doctrine agreements, warning emptor (buyer take two) most of the coverage with other types of contrasts. Insured in the United States in tort for bad faith act can sue an insurance company.

Home insurance contract each type of risk (where risk was very limited definition) be written based tended, and a separate premium is calculated for each was charged. This structure second industrial revolution, have proved unsustainable in the context of a general large conglomerate that threats against dozens of types of insurance can be.

Insurance industry in the 1940s to the present system where initially the risks include a general policy insuring agreement in a form are clearly shifted to explain, but he can be reached by separate provisions. A standard form and taken out a separate risk insurance coverage if the insured desires emissions by policy to verify that an additional premium payment can.

Parts of an insurance contract:
* Announced - identifies an insurance that the insured's address, insuring company, which includes threats or property, the policy limit (the amount of insurance), any applicable deductibles, policy period and the amount of premium. This is usually a form from the insurance company based on the insurance application is filled and attached on top form or standard policy within the first few pages are provided on put.
     * Definitions - Terms used in important policy language to define.
     * Insuring Agreement - coverage covers perils, or risks assumed, or description of nature, or insurance contract agreement between the insurance company and a refers to. The insurance company's chief promises described as well as short covers.
     * Boycott - property coverage, perils risks, or losses under specific reasons that are not caused by policy statement from the far Insuring Agreement.
     * Conditions - provisions, rules of procedure the duties and responsibilities required for coverage. If policy conditions are not met, the insurance company can deny claims.
     This additional policy forms that edit in any form, without any condition or existence of any conditions attached to or forms - confirmed *. Authentication policies for non lawyers can difficult to read, modify or destroy the quality of the insuring agreement provisions already on many pages, can modify or even to each other. Non lawyer insurance because it directly word processors, insurance companies usually free insurance policy language different from the major common modifications associated support pre approved by lawyers to change standard form to allow rewrite is dangerous.

Life insurance specific features:
Incontestability - in the United States, life insurance contracts by insurance company may at any time not fought for two years after the agreement is forcing. Some insurance company completely sure they want to check the insurance burden that within two years is an acceptable risk. Insurance application (which usually is part of this Agreement) any material misstatements or to pay a death benefit insurance as a reason for the company can not be used, unless of fraud by the insurance Does not stay. Insurance company is only supported if any fraud that death insurance for age or sex were asked if they disagreed with what request the right to adjust benefits.

Manuscript policies:
Insurance policies, only page that is much more customized to the needs of insurance written for the vast majority of page is announced. Other standard form that all pages needed declaration refer back to the conditions specified.

However, some insurance insurance as media type, hand written policies, which are either custom - designed from the beginning or a mix of standard and non-standard forms in writing was written.

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